Call for Contributions: Editorial Photography and Poetry Project exploring the Connection Between Lunar Cycles and Menstruation.

Seeking passionate contributors and storytellers who would be interested in responding to a selection of written interview questions or providing their own personal stories inspired from this projects themes (the convergence of mythology, nature, and the feminine divine).

This project delves into the connection between lunar cycles and menstruation, capturing the interplay between the sun, tide, and diverse environments—both rural and urban. Menstruation will be reimagined as a symbol of rebirth—a monthly chance to shed the old and embrace the new.

Project Highlights:

Mythology-Inspired Narratives

Interplay of Celestial Forces

Sacred Spaces


Mystical, Celestial, Empowering

Moonlight and lunar phases

Emotions, expressions, and bodily sensations

Nature's cycles, including tides, and seasons

Rituals, ceremonies, and traditions celebrating femininity and the moon.

Dreams, aspirations, and the creative spirit

Feature and Recognition:

All selected contributions will be featured in an editorial book, in the form of a credited written interview with each contributor. This interview will delve into the personal connection you have with the project’s themes and how your creative process and personal development is influenced/inspired by natural landscapes.

Please send your contributions and any inquiries to, we look forward to responding to your submissions and featuring your insights in our book.

(Note that as this is a self-funded project, participation will be unpaid.)


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