Can anyone recommend any places in Bristol/London that support women in the music industry?

I am a working vocalist who wants to find a supportive community who work in music production. I graduated with a minor in production and am only properly getting into it now...two years out of uni! At this stage I would love to find people to learn from and collaborate with and hopfully have some fun experimenting with.


  • @Lydia Kotsirea great! You can contact the team on to find out what is coming up (it’s all online of course at the mo). Happy to chat with you and I hope you find your tribe in Bris too!
  • @Liz Dobson Hi, thanks so much for your reply. That's an amazing resource, I just found some Bristol workshops, there's loads on there! That's also really interesting as I lived in Leeds for five years and am still patially based up there as the rest of my band are up north. Your site looks great, exactly what I'm looking for!
  • I am a director of the Yorkshire Sound Women Network (wrong location I know) but I’m in tune with your search. This page presents a list of lots of groups and collectives, some based in London don’t hesitate to get in touch to chat audio. Also check out LNA audio YouTube.

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