Does anyone have any feedback they want to say about this work?


  • @joana alarcão Thank you so much for taking the time to give me such in depth feedback. I really appreciate the book recommendations and the suggestions of looking at planes of the head and how to render shadow. I would really appreciate if you could send me the PDF’s of the books. Thanks for your help.
  • hey again!
    I think you are refering to the head ?
    Its quite expressive and I like the line work for the shadows but if you are looking for a bit more realism I would have look in more detail at the planes of the head and how to render shadow . But the overall form of the head is great! I recomend this books fundamentals OF DRAWING by V. A. Mogilevtsev
    Drawing Atelier - The Figure How to Draw in a Classical Style by Jon Demartin
    Figure Drawing Design and Invention by Michael Hampton

    I can send you the books in pdf if you would like !
    I hope it is useful advice and keep going!!!

  • @joana alarcão Hey! I am referring to the project work I have recently put on my page.

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