Ever wonder how a commercial fashion shoot goes down? [WORKSHOP]
On Saturday 25th of February between 1-3pm, I will be hosting a 2-hour workshop all about it, at Rionce Studios in South-East London
We will run through client development; brief and treatment; shooting in a studio; selecting and editing images for a client; and delivering your work. The floor will always be open for questions!
Places are limited to 15 people, and is recommended for new or aspiring photographers interested in commercial fashion photography.
More info -https://the-dots.com/events/basics-of-commercial-photography-13716
Tickets (limited spaces) -https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/basics-of-commercial-photography-tickets-531690248847?aff=erelexpmlt
- @Kamile Gudleike Hey!I'm afraid not sorry.
- Is there a possibility to join online?
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