Fellow educators/active pros, interested in creating a new Education manifesto for Fashion Marketing and Design education post Crisis?

I believe in the holistic power of education, the democratization of knowledge at any age, social status or cultural background.

With the many new challenges rising constantly since the 2010s, the immerse implementation of technology in everyone's (!) life, the first generation of fully digital Natives that are born into a digital-first reality, education seems to have stayed, stubbornly stuck into practices and techniques that are redundant, irrelevant and uninspiring in the 3rd decade of the 21st century.

While so many challenges were fruitful solutions for Silicon Valley which successfully turned into major opportunities for a booming new industry only 20+ years ago, higher education in its entity manages to bore students, make them feel anxious and confused, not allowing them to discover their unique potentials, progress or discover their talents, nurture and enhance their personalities as education should do.

I believe wholeheartedly, that its time to use first the signs of our times, the data and statistics available, and address that for the first time in global history 45% of the worlds biggest power lies in the hands of 2 generations Gen Y and Gen Z who grew up already global and statistically will relocate and change jobs more than 12-14 times in their lifetimes.

With Gen A right behind them, where teenagers prefer to type than write, msg than talk, there are so many behavioral yet interesting and aspirational, sharing similarities, between hundreds of millions of young international people regardless of their heritage, culture, or background. The common agonies and frustrations coming in a working future that already overcrowded with offers, limited salaries, and countless obstacles.

Uni life should be the right moment for each student to self identify, to break boundaries, to experiment and discover. To define and create the future they want for themselves, under the watchful eye of experienced professors with a young mindset and mature experience.

Education is the ultimate luxury at any price point. Let us rewrite the new rules of 21st Century higher education for a more pure and immersive experience in studying, with maximum impact and long-lasting, definitive effects.


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