Figma or Sketch?

I am planning on up-skilling whilst out of contract. I'd like to focus on learning either Figma or Sketch (still a Photoshop user for apps & sites). Appreciate any advice on which is favoured in the market / tips or learning resources. TIA


  • Figma, keeps your file online but you can also download the software on your device, no large file on your devices, collaboration and feedback are great for figma, file formmating is fantastic, prototyping and mirroring is superb, lots of really great plugins and works amazingly as an illustration tool if you wanted to create something quick. Oh its free too, well to an extent.

    I'd say Sketch next for me (though others might disagree) I dont personally like that you have may have to connect it with invison for collaboration because you only have a limited number projects to upload on Invision, layout is great though and vector tool is awesome too

    XD last for me but is great if you are on Adobe suite, lots of good things too, you can keep it in your subscription, nice prototyping but not a big fan of the vector tool

    Naturally, once you know one, the other shouldn't take too long to understand, just depends on you really. But I'll say give Figma a go
  • Start with Figma. One weekend should be enough.

    XD has its place and if you come from PS it is huge step forward however I would like to see where people show me files with 100+ app screens and all done in XD and up to date.

    You can see longer overview in link below however at the moment it seems for me that Figma is leading that battle and Sketch is losing.
  • A lot of colleges in the UK are recommending Figma.

    Personally though – I'd highly recommend jumping over to XD for UI design - its way better than Photoshop which can be a bit slow to use and file sizes can be quite big. XD has come on leaps and bounds since it first launched a few years ago. Some really nice tools that are amazing and with libraries and master items, there is no more having to update PSDs individually.

    After working with Photoshop for years, designing websites and app, I'd never go back. Cool thing is you can also open Photoshop files in XD. Some smart elements won't appear but its very useful!
  • Thanks all really appreciate it. I do use InVision so maybe Sketch for now as I do prefer an offline software and hopefully pick up Figma too eventually! Have played about in XD and love CC libraries, what a time saver but, at the moment my active job seeking its Sketch or Figma that are being requested and something I can't put my hand up to use. Thanks again, off to YouTube some basics!
  • Sketch, more robust, stable, better file management, option to work offline (which only dinosaurs like me might need).

    Best place to learn, youtube by far. You can pick exactly what you are stuck with and learn a workaround or solution.

    But to be honest? ANY option is better than PS.

    Just make sure the developers you are working with are cool with either figma or sketch files...
  • I'm a big fan of Sketch, I'd argue for all the same reasons said below about Figma. If you can learn one, you'll easily learn them all.

    I prefer Sketch purely because the whole web-based thing turns me off on quick day-to-day tasks where I'm working solo. I've been known to turn the wifi and phone off just to disconnect and focus, so just a matter of personal preference.

    Figma is truly ideal for large group collaborations and for large product design teams. You can share and collaborate in real-time. I'd say start with Figma, and eventually learn the differences of all three (Figma, Sketch, XD) it will really depend on your clients. Figma allows you to do a lot of prototyping and spec'ing right in the app, whereas with Sketch you'll also have to use/learn InVision, Abstract, or Zeplin too.

    So even though I personally love to use Sketch, your best bet is Figma!

    Good luck :)

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