Have just finished editing my website! Would love some feedback! x https://sanaachoudhry.wixsite.com/sanaacdesign


  • @Darren Weale Thank you Darren! I definitely struggled with that section so will deffo use those ideas! x
  • @Hayley Miller thank you Hayley! I’ve added them in with a feedback form too for more people to share their thoughts! x
  • @Maciek Wojciechowski thank you so much!!! i’ve added some client testimonials and a feedback form for people to fill in! xx
  • Your website looks clean and fresh, I like its simplicity and the design with font and background already gives me an idea that you're an illustrator and capable creator.

    I agree with Hayley - I would also add testimonials from clients. Darren has a point, too - as a customer I'd like to get a feel of how it would be to work with you.

    What confused me is Customs (as I'm not familiar with it), I only realised what you mean after reading About section where you explain what you offer. Maybe you should explain it more inside Custom section or through a title? Also for me the top menu is distracting - it takes a lot of page space and it doesn't disappear when you scroll down to see artwork. I'd rather see your work more exposed and the menu bar is restricting my view. Oh and careful with titles under photographs, at the moment some of them show file names.

    Last thing - you mention Etsy in your About section, a link to the shop would make it more accessible.

    All the best!

  • Looks really good Sanaa! I think you've done a great job already. The only thing I'd recommend is adding testimonials/reviews from your customers. It will encourage customers through the purchase process to contact you.
  • Nice website. My only tip would be make your Abount more what you do for others and their outcomes/experiences/the benefits, rather than about what you like to do.

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