Hello, I am a freelancer illustrator based in London. I am currently looking for a job as an illustrator or possible collaborations.

I am broad-minded and enjoy self-directed projects. This has given me good time keeping and project management skills. As a freelance illustrator, I have also shown the ability to complete work to a high standard and within tight timescales. Confidence is paramount in this field as I have to seek clientele myself.
Demonstrating meticulous attention to detail. Regularly tasked with undertaking and presenting research and draft work to clients, I pride myself on offering the appropriate level of clear information to ensure everything runs smoothly. I also work well in groups as I am always keen to motivate others. I have been a part of many successful collaborations with my peers throughout my foundation course at Camberwell College of arts. My proudest achievement to date is illustrating a children’s book. The book is in production at the moment, and will be published in stores and available for purchase from December.

My instagram art account is @ritaillustrates_


  • Hi Sarah Louise,

    Cathy from The Dots here, thanks for your post. Here’s some of my top tips for getting the most out of The Dots:

    If you’re looking for work, I’d recommend following your favourite companies for job alerts:

    To come higher in search results and to increase your chances of being headhunted, add your work experience here:

    You can also connect with recruiters and talent managers:

    Oh, and keep an eye out for opportunities here:

    I hope that helps!

    Cathy x

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