Hey! I’ve just updated my website & I’d really appreciate any feedback on my work! https://www.abbiehopper.com

I’ve just recently graduated and I’m very keen to get into the industry so I’d love to hear your thoughts :)

Also I’d appreciate any recommendations for any agencies / studios to get in touch with, thanks!!


  • Hi Abbie,
    I love your portfolio. Looks clean, put together, and very professional. Congrats!

    There are some small things that I notice, though.

    First, I find that the two initial projects could be merged. Once I saw them, it came across as a bit repetitive.

    The other small thing is that maybe instead of having your Instragam on the main menu - since you already have it on the footer - you could put a link to see or to download your CV. I find that that will be important for recruiters to see your path as well.

    As for suggestions, I can't be of much help on that front, but I hope you all the best, and I'm sure you will do very well! :)

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