Hey, I was wondering if anyone could spare a minute to give me some feedback or advice on my website: https://maddyhope.co.uk/

I've been working on my website making it suitable for the various illustrator animator roles i've been applying to, wondering if anyone could give me any feedback or advice on any way i could possibly improve it.


  • @Patrick Gallagher Oh wow that website is beautiful! Yeah the grid was made using gifs, i use myportfolio.com for my website so the it's pretty limited what you can do with it, but i'll look into it see if i can do that with the vimeo links, thanks for your advice!
  • I really like it (and your work!) I think your grid could maybe have larger frames for your art, and maybe a bit less white space between rows/columns.
    Johan Erikkson does a great job of this on his site https://erikssongraphics.com/
    I take it the grid was made using GIFs? Silent vimeo links that loop will load quicker (allowing for bigger art).
    Nice work though! I found that designing my site was a whole design project in itself too

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