Hi! I would like to get better my website. Could you see and say me your feedback? www.miquelcabello.com Have a good weekend :)
- Hi Miquel! I've send you an email with couple of screenshots. Great images, by the way :)
- @Miquel Cabello You're welcome! Where are you based?
- @Isabella Del zoppo Thanks for your words. Yes we can! :)
- @Jennifer Okafor Thanks for your feedback, I will write the section About too in english, many people say the same. :)
- Hola! The website is nice and clean! My personal opinion maybe make the menu bar just one orizontal line instead of split, it is easier to read and also maybe write the contact and about in English, I guess would be helpful.Otherwise I love the editorial, Faces and architecture photos, very nice. Maybe we can collaborate on a project one day.Hope this feedback helps.Buonos dias!
- Hey Miquel! Love love love the aesthetics, everything is pretty informartive to me.The only thing I've found is that your info in 'About' section is in Spanish only. Although, my browser suggested me to translate the whole website maybe adding an English option would be safer
- @Saleha Bakhtiar Thanks Saleha. this is my website www.miquelcabello.com
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