Hi there :) I am a young master graduate in Management for the Entertainment industry and I am looking to kick off my career in London.

I come from Italy, I studied Business Administration at Bocconi University - Milan - and majored in Music, Television and Film Industry.

I have a great propensity for Project Management and a flair for talent. During my formative years I cumulated both creative and administrative experiences.

Among other things, I produced and starred in three musical shows, produced a studio album and I have been PA for a music video shot in Montreal.
I have been a strategist for the official communication agency of the City of Milan, working to reiforce its brand identity and acquire functional partnerships with Private actors active on the territory - es. GUCCI, MasterCard, UNIQLO.

In my experience in an office environment, although being always the youngest on board, I have never failed to express my critical thinking spontaneously, respectfully but firmly. This has allowed me to establish a bond of professionalism and sincere esteem with my colleagues and superiors, which to me has been the most fulfilling achievement.

I am ready to kick off my career in the Entertainment business, at the crossroad between project management and creativity, where I know I can give the best of me. I want to do it in the most vibran Capital of Europe, because there is where I feel my creativity and enthusiasm can serve to the fullest.

I really hope you'll be curious to know me better.

WIth great respect,

Maria Chiara Romanucci.


  • Hi Maria Chiara,

    If you’re looking for work, I’d recommend setting up freelance, remote and full time job alerts so you’re first to know about opportunities:

    I’d also recommend following your favourite companies for job updates:

    You can also connect with recruiters and talent managers:

    Oh, and keep an eye out for opportunities here:

    I hope that helps!

    Cathy x

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