How do people motivate themselves even in hardship ?

Im only asking because currently I’am struggling to keep it together I have a family that don’t understand me has a people. My voice is always silenced. I enjoy acting but throughout I have lost my confidence.
I just wanna know what keep people going because currently I don’t know what to do .


  • @Andrew Reeve ✌️ Thank you for the advice
  • Sorry to hear you're struggling Saleem. It is incredibly hard following a path that one feels compelled to follow.

    It's a familiar and age old problem when pursuing creative activities. Many people simply will never understand that it is work, and very hard too.

    Your concerns and lack of confidence of valid and legitimate. I would suggest you change the focus a little. There are and always will be people who enjoy what you do, or don't. Not much you can do about that. Not everyone likes Picasso, or Led Zeppelin, or Stephen King. You see what I'm saying?

    During these uncertain times think about the aspects of acting that really speak to you; which stories, characters, locations, etc, specifically interest you. Which scriptwriters, screenplay writers, playwrights, interest you. You could try writing your own play or script using your skills. Jot down ideas, go for a walk (always take a notebook!), and see where the wind blows.

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