How to find art opportunities and make connections that will benefit my art networks as well as build on my work experience

I am in my last year of college before I decide what I want to do with my life, I have been trying to find ways i can involve my self in the art community and make art connections any way I can,however it has been difficult because I am not sure where to start.People say oh do this do that but arent direct with what I should do.Does anyone know any organisations,art magazines,people,art exhibitions or art competitions I can participate in that would help me build on work experience and such??Any ways I can find creative apprenticeships going on or internships?or any remote work I could complete and any way I could get perhaps some certificates?

I am trying to do content creation in hopes of putting my self out there but I also want to find normal ways to emerge my self in the art community!Doesn't have to be paid work,I just want to gain experience and connections of all shorts

any type of help and feedback is much appreciated!


  • It's great that you're already on your way to finding your place in the arts! The first piece of advice is to really expand your connections by participating in events, even if they are local or online. Try starting by looking for art shows in your city or region, even if they're small. If there are no such events nearby, many exhibitions and competitions are now online, especially after the pandemic.

    It's also worth looking at platforms like Behance or ArtStation, where artists not only post their work, but can also find internships or freelance projects. For internships and apprenticeships you can check out platforms like Internshala or Indeed, remote work opportunities often pop up there. Sign up for mailing lists of art magazines and organizations - they often announce competitions, exhibitions and internship opportunities.

    About certifications, there are plenty of online courses that offer certifications - from Coursera and edX to Skillshare. These platforms can not only help you build skills, but also a portfolio. And, of course, don't forget social media. The same Instagram, TikTok or YouTube can be a platform to showcase your work, which in turn can bring attention to your art.

    Don't be afraid to write directly to artists, curators or exhibition organizers. Many people are pleased when young people show interest and want to participate. Most importantly, don't be afraid to try and be prepared that not all answers will come at once. Good luck in your search for opportunities!
  • @Eleni Alagkiozidou Glad I could help Eleni. I wish you luck with your search as well!
  • @Jenna Acheampong Hello Jenna, thank you so so much for the in detail explanation and help.I will check everything you said out and make a note of everything that I could possibly do.I will try and build up a bit of a work experience and such first as I am still in college but I wanted to check in advance what there is out there in the market in case I decide to take a gap year before deciding what to do for my future.

    I honestly wish you also the best of luck with your searches and that you find something that works the best for you :)
  • @Shemaiah Gold That would honestly be amazing!Thank you so much for this opportunity,sent a text so hopefully you should receieve it soon
  • Hi Eleni,

    I am the founder of an art community based here in London. We regularly meet up, do events and have a forum where opportunities are posted.

    If you would like to be apart of this, drop me a message!
  • Hi Eleni,

    You're not alone in this. I'm in the same position too with looking for work post-college. I've picked up a lot of resources in my search so I'd like to share them with you:

    Can be found on standard job sites like here on The Dots, LinkedIn, Indeed and Glassdoor. Sometimes creative companies promote them on social media. Googling [insert industry type here] internships in [insert city here] in the past week sometimes brings up results but it can be outdated sometimes so take it with a grain of salt. There's also creative specific job sites that regularly post entry level work:

    Same as internships you can sometimes find them on general job and creative job sites but they're a bit rarer. Institute for Apprenticeships has a list of every apprenticeship type, what they do, how they're assessed and if they're active, upcoming, paused or discontinued. They also have a list of what companies provide them so you can search them up and see if they've got any vacancies:

    As for events, competitions etc. check creative work sites because they'll usually be under the unpaid/event sections. You can also see if your local community has any fairs or competitions and stuff like that and use that as a way to promote yourself.

    I hope this was helpful!


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