Howdy gang! Any experienced copywriters in the house? If so, any tips on how I can go about building my portfolio? Cheers!


  • Hi Oliver,
    My top tip would be to think about the type of work you’d like to be doing - and the type of clients you’d like to work for - and create some example pieces in that specialism. Since you have experience in SEO copywriting and an interest in music, you could also try finding a niche within that industry and starting a blog on that topic. It means you can keep track of the impact of your work (since you’re the one running the blog, after all), and have something to show off about in your next job application. Hope this helps!
  • If you don’t have client work to show, create some spec before and after samples, so you can still show your skills. Depending on your specialty, these could be emails, website copy, landing pages, etc. Good luck!

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