I have only recently realised that I would like to turn my passion for writing into my profession. However, I am not sure how to go about it


  • I’ve heard this great quote once that goes something like this: “If you want to be a writer, write.”

    I had the same doubts and instead of waiting for someone to give me a chance, I took matters into my own hands. It’s a bit scary and overwhelming at the beginning, but you’ll be soooo proud of yourself once you publish that first thing 😉

    And that’s my piece of advice to you. Even if it’s just for you, just start. Maybe launch a personal blog - that way, your writing will live somewhere outside your head and your laptop.

    Btw, what sort of writing do you have in mind?
  • I am doing an MA in arts and lifestyle journalism at UAL and I highly recommend. Its so informative and engaging, but obviously another tuition loan, so some of the main things I’ve learnt are:
    - Pitches should be concise and explain how you know this ‘news’/topic is a real thing, what you are going to do (who you are going to talk to), and why you are the best person to write on it. Tailor the pitch to the tone, style, and topics of the organisation :)
    - Also, when writing about people or marginalised groups- bring them to the forefront of the story!
    - Jot down all of your ideas whether you think they are good or bad.
    - Read lots of Journalism.
  • Hey Gemma, to build on what Emmie said, you have to start writing in a public space. There are different ways you can be a writer professionally - if you want to write ads or marketing copy then you can look at courses or entry roles in copywriting. If it's more journalism or writing a book you're interested in then I'd start self-publishing on a site like Medium. Start following writers you admire, engage with them, and see where they're writing and/or where they started. Farrah Storr has 'The Writers Room' community which might also be good to look into - https://farrah.substack.com/s/the-writerss-room - Hope that helps, Lex x

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