I have recently updated my portfolio website, www.jakerodger.com would be great if you could check it out and let me know what you think!


  • Hey,
    One of the things that got my attetion straigtaway, that projects/works structured first and there is no any information what the website is about. I know that you just need to scroll a bit, but it got me a bit confused that the website is actually Agile Centre. Some of the people sometimes even don't scroll, so I would recommend to use the space before the fold to say what this website is about and then show work.
    Good projects, just some tweaks and should be fine :)

  • @Dusan Zivanovic Dusan, thank you! Definitely needed someone with UI experience to look over this. Appreciate your help.
  • fist what I would do is justify the text to left. On homepage make the links contact and work somehow different from regular text, I had no idea that was a link. Work pages text also looks too big on mobile, I would align it left also. You should rethink the paddings overall, make some sort of standard. The body text size on homepage should be okay for the work body text.
  • hi. congrats, its a good job... the site looks really well. i just think that could be nice to read some info. maybe about those works youre showing... explaining somethong, like who´s the client... or wich was exactly your role in those designs. also more information about you... like your interests and taste... something that makes you unique... your graphic design vision maybe.

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