I'm looking for a web wiz to make my portfolio site.

Hey there, I'm Harley, a copywriter and I'm looking for someone like you to build me portfolio site.

Nothing too fancy, just a one pager will all the essentials. To make things easier, I use wix or cargo so we can build from a template. I'd like to use a scroll-triggered animation, so text appears as you scroll down the page.... if you have those skills that would be a ++. Send me your work or link your portfolio below. I have a budget for this so please let me know your day rate for design and build. 

Can’t wait to speak with you :)



  • Hello. I have been working as senior web developer for 7 years and have built some portfolio websites for my partners so far.
    I can build your portfolio website using react, wordpress or other javascript and php frameworks.
    Look forward to discuss more.
    Thank you
  • Thanks to everyone who got in touch and sharing your wonderful work - I’m no longer looking for that web wiz.
  • Hello Harley,

    I would be happy to help and have experience with Wix including scroll aninations. You can have a look on my work below


    Also some web example https://www.scoutlab.com/

    And feel free to get in touch on 4nn414@gmail.com to discuss further.
  • Dear @Harley Boden
    I am open to work new opportunity for a creative project.
    My linkedin profile is https://linkedin.com/in/massimo1220
    I would love to discusss project details via meeting.
    Thanks, Massimo
  • Hello Harley,
    We have powered many businesses with extraordinary solutions within the targeted budget and timeline. Our team experience might help you out. Let’s Connect at jennifer@cisinlabs.com.
  • Hi Harley!
    My name is Deye and I’m a multimedia designer and developer with a background in graphic & UI/UX design and coding; I'd love to take this opportunity on!
    My day rate is $200 &Here's a link to my portfolio: https://deyesarr.portfolio.site/
  • And this is my working email and we can contact with this one.
  • Hello.
    How are you?
    I can help you with my experience in web development. If you see my some projects, you will know my good sense of the website development.
    Also I can work for you with the salary of 200$ per day.
    I'm sure I can use so many templates and finish in a short time.
    Looking forward to your message.


  • I could help you if you are willing to use Webflow or Framer.

    For one pager with scroll triggered animation Framer would be the fastest way probably.

    You can see some of the past designs at www.give.ee

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