I'm looking to connect with some amazing, passionate and lovely 2D animators!

Hey everyone,

My production company is slowly developing a demand for animated projects and I would love to connect with more animators who are passionate about visual-storytelling and want to develop their careers or take advantage of an opportunity to spread stretch their creative legs on a project or two.

Even if you simply want to network, reach out via private message or send a connection request etc. then please do.

Thanks in advance!

- Adam

UPDATE: Thanks for the messages and comments, guys - got a few to get through so bear with me and I'll try to answer you all directly.


  • Hey Adam,

    Take a look at my work and get in touch if you like the looks of it.
    I have projects listed on here and also more extensive work at the link below.



  • Hi Adam,

    I'm an Illustrator and 2d Animator, its really nice to connect with some creatives/artist.

    Please check my website here: https://ranecosia.wixsite.com/rygen
    or my Social media: https://www.instagram.com/rygennecosia/

    Feel free to message me here's my email: ra.necosia@yahoo.com


  • Hey Adam,

    I'm a 2D animator/illustrator, always looking to connect with other creatives! I'd love to help you out on any projects you need a hand on.

    You can see my showreel & recent projects at www.yasmincowen.co.uk

    Feel free to give me a shout through yasmincowen@hotmail.co.uk if you need anything!

  • Hello Adam!
    I have come to answer your call for a lovely 2D Animator! (heheh)

    Please find my website here: https://www.victoriageary.co.uk/

    Please do not hesitate to contact me, here or at victoriagearycontact@gmail.com - I'd love to be a part of this wonderful opportunity to work together :)
  • Hi Adam,

    I'd be really interested in this opportunity, here's a link to my website: https://maddyhope.co.uk/ and here's my email: maddyhope03@gmail.com Please feel free to get in touch!

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