I would like some feedback on my CV - feel free to let me know what can be improved ! I'm applying for jobs in art direction /brand identity

I have been struggling to get past the first screenings, so am wondering what I have been doing wrong. I'm open to suggestions and would be happy to chat :)


  • Hi Louis - there's way too much going on here, I would spread the info over, at least, two pages - from experience, it is lazy recruiters who stipulate this one page format. Great if one is applying for data entry positions but is no use for creative positions. My personal CV follows an executive summary-style format, is four pages and I have nothing like your standard or level of education.
    Also, there's nothing here that hints at creative brand identity, no attention paid to typography or composition and nothing to indicate your expertise in a particular area. Your CV states experience with a number of, I'm assuming, decent design studios, in other countries and this where you need to get busy with a unique way of showing this - infographics, pie charts etc.
    I don't mean to come across so negative, especially to a total stranger, but you have a lot of plus points but it takes so long to process them.
  • Hey Louis :) I believe that you need something more eye-catching. Especially if creating memorable aesthetic is part of your job. Experiment/ have more fun designing it :)

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