If I am wanting to get into marketing, do I need to make a portfolio and what would this have to include?


  • Hi Francesca,

    Depending on the marketing role you may not need a portfolio.

    What I'd recommend at the beginning of your career anyway is helping a friend/family member's business to build your experience - if you can't think of anyone you may find a small business near you? They'll probably jump at the idea, just make sure it's mutually beneficial.

    Ultimately, the idea is to get you to practice marketing strategy to a point where you'll feel confident about your approach.

    Key skills that need to be showcased in your portfolio/cv;

    • Setting Measurable Goals.
    • Conducting Market Research and Identifying Your Target Audience.
    • Determining Overall Approach.
    • Crafting Key Brand Messaging.
    • Selecting Marketing Channels and Tactics.
    • Establishing Your Budget and Timelines.
    • Tracking and Monitoring Progress.

    Best of luck ✨

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