is anyone else struggling with creative thoughts / inspiration during lockdown? ��I wondered what you were doing to help?
- @Sci Sarhan that’s a great idea! Can you let me know what hashtags to follow or where I can find out more?
- @Dhruve Shah thank you. Really helpful especially the change in environment or breaking the space up.
- Taking a break helps. It gives your mind a chance to rest and relax. Creativity will always come back once you’re rested. Go outside and try and absorb some nature too. That’s usually the best break, as opposed to the screen and watching tv, YouTube, etc. There’s really nothing like nature. Plus nature has loads of great inspiration, often when you’re not looking for it.Changing environment can help too. I often switch between working at a desk and my sofa between the day/week, and at my desk between sitting and standing too.Also keep in mind that we’re living through weird, difficult and stressful times. Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t as creative as you would normally be, or if you find you need to take more breaks, etc.Hopefully some of that helps :)
- I've been doing a lot of prompts / art challenges on instagram lately, even small ones that'll keep me creating - it has the added bonus of giving you incentive to interact with other artists (I find that I feel most inspired when I'm surrounded by other people who are eager to create). Also the app Sketch a Day is quite good for giving a one word prompt every day!
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