Juste one question for you guys ! Did it scare you to work with French designer ?

I hope to be able to work with international clients (to evolve in english too) but i don't find anything..

I understand that distance and language difference can be a brake but creation should not be stopped by geographical and languistic barriers !

I hope that each of you is doing well and I wish the best to each person who comes across my post !

Do not hesitate to comment or share your experience I would love to share with you !


  • @christopher conway Not at all, maybe my english is a little more bad that i think, sorry if my question seems to be dramatical 😅

    I just realise that being a young french graphist and not being bilangual or native english make the international´s collaboration difficult and all the job appliance that i had apply to, end up by a negativ answer or 0 answer due (i think) to my geolocalisation and the distance, that all !

    But thanks to worried about 🙂!
  • @ɐɹoᗡ ɐuu∀ ˥ first of all i would like to thanks you, appreciate it !

    I understand that i´ve to keep my motivation up and some day it will pay, thank again to share with me and hope you'll have a great day !
  • @Caroline McQueen ACIM i agree with you things happens and we don't have the control every time, it's life ! Happy to share with you have a great day !
  • Most of my clients are French. Not because I chose to target that market, it just happened that way.

    I’ve only had one negative experience where I could say “elle était Parisienne” 😅

    I think people are people and everyone has good days, bad days and stressful situations to deal with.
  • Hi Clement,

    I don't know how to say it on the possible most constructive way... basically not everything is about French people and being French.

    Your work is good, I would recommend to keep looking and sharing your work. I believe the main reason is the economy has a hard time everywhere but it moves in the right direction so just keep going.

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