Looking for a videographer for interview style recording 10th July

Here are the key details below
Recording Date: Wednesday 10th July
Time: TBC but plan for a full day
Location: The Langham London (TBC). Might be this space CLICK HERE
Format: Talk show setup 1-1, we will also have a Q+A after which will be a round table discussion answering pre-recorded attendee questions. There will be 1 host and 5 guests in total.
Technical details for equipment
2-3 cameras will be needed. Wide angle centred to capture both guests and cameras to the right and or left to a tighter crop on the person
Studio lighting: key light and fill light (we will share pictures of the space beforehand) there should be some natural light within the space from large windows
We have some audio equipment (2x DJI Mic) – your own audio equipment would be useful and good understanding of audio setup will be required
No post editing required – we use a remote editing team
We will need a quick turnaround on the day with all recorded files transferred to an SSD (we will provide the drive) at the end of the day.

Please email if this is of interest: AFlanagan@wwideevents.com


  • Hi Adam,

    I've dropped you an email with more details.

    Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else!


  • Hi Adam!

    Sounds great, I'd love to shoot this for you!
    I've dropped you an email with more details.

    Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else!

  • @Kareem Abdul please send me an email AFlanagan@wwideevents.com

    If you can include recent showreel and relevant examples along with an estimate for the day that would be great!

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