Looking for a videographer with their own equipment who is free Saturday 4th September to shoot at Sundown Festival in Norfolk?

Interviewing artists and capturing some of the day. Paid and Travel/Expenses covered.


  • Hi Drew, while I’m not a videographer I’d love to shoot some shots of the artists and behind the scenes for for you! Let me know if this is something you’d be interested in!
  • Hello Drew , I hope all is well. I am a videographer based in Suffolk so relatively close to Norfolk. I have prior experience filming at festivals including Latitude and Sundown before and would be able to send a showreel. I am still studying film in my last year of college so still being a student I could probably do the job for less than someone depending on freelance work but would still ensure my highest quality of work.
    Many thanks for your time,
  • Heya Drew, sent a connection request a bit ago. I am free the 4th if you are still looking for someone. Reah out if you see fit and we can chat. Cheers,

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