Looking for freelancers (of all kinds) and Resource Managers/Recruiters to share voice notes to feature on our podcast!

Hey everyone!

I run a podcast called That Freelance Life with my co-host @Harriet Stockwell and if you're a freelancer or someone who books freelancers, we'd love to feature you in our 1st episode of season 2.

We'd like to hear from:

How the last 2 years in the pandemic have been for you with regards to freelancing. Finding work? Keeping work? Dealing with clients? What has changed for you or stayed the same?

How you've seen the industry change over the last 2 years?
What are your expectations when hiring, experience, flexibility of remote working etc? What's important for freelancers to be aware of in a post-pandemic world?

You can just record a voice note on your phone in a quiet place answering the questions below and send to our email address: thatfreelancelifepodcast@gmail.com

You can listen to the episodes of our first season here: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Q0B8Vh7W9FZi6h3IBmur8?si=d0145b73f7a04f92

Thanks a million, and happy freelancing!


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