Looking for young writers, or writers with a deep knowledge of current UK youth culture, who span who span narrative fiction and drama.
Ideally with an interest in working with emerging technology.
- @Sarah de Souza / Murphy Thanks so much for this! Will read through and come back to you asap.
- @Stefan Newton Would you have a website or any samples of your work I could see? Thank you : )
- @Ammarah Kabir Great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work I could see? Thank you : )
- Hit me up
- @Beccy Mccray I've just sent you my portfolio and some examples of my writing, thank you!
- @Beccy Mccray For sure ! Just sent you my portfolio.
- @Shahreen Vayani Great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work I could see? Thank you : )
- @Lily Quarton-Parsons Great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work I could see? We're long listing at the moment, if selected we can send over an NDA followed by more info. Thank you : )
- Hi! I'm a writer and really interested in working with emerging tech
- @Benjamin Broyd Great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work I could see? Thank you : )
- @Jojo Bossman Great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work I could see? We're long listing at the moment, if selected we can send over an NDA followed by more info. Thank you : )
- @Lucia De Angelo Great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work I could see? We're long listing at the moment, if selected we can send over an NDA followed by more info. Thank you : )
- @Shiroe Zita Great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work we could see? Thank you : )
- @Anna Stoney That sounds great! Would you have a website or any samples of your work we could see? Thank you : )
- Hello Beccy, I'm a young writer with a depth of knowledge on UK youth culture. I write narrative fiction and drama and have an interest in new techonologies. I'd be interested in giving you a hand with a project!
- Hi! I'm very interested in this opportunity and would love to know more ! I'll send a connection request, or you can email me at lilyquarton@gmail.com . Thanks!
- Very interested!
- Hi Beccy, I have an interest in UK Youth Culture. I will send you a connection request.
- Hi! I am a young writer definetly VERY interested in emerging technology! what is the project about??
- Hello, young writer here, I'm interested, what's the project?
- Interested!
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