Looking to test while i'm over in London for a few weeks in July, looking for stylists, designers, HMUA & models!

hit me up on insta, work examples below


  • Hi I would love to work with you on any future projects you may have please check out my spotlight https://www.spotlight.com/8458-9088-1020 or my Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0Mr1KnUOd/?utm_medium=copy_link
  • Hi I’m a freelance model and would love to collaborate with you. My Instagram is https://instagram.com/kasarnyajohnson?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  • @Anthony Elikwu Amazing thanks for reaching out, i'll be organising some tests closer to the time so will let you know :)
  • @Shahinaz Alotaishan sure feel free to connect with me on insta, @igotshotbycharlie would love to see your work x
  • Hey Charlie I'd love to work with you when you're here in July. Shoot me a message!
  • Hello! I am a freelance model that will be back in London in July and I would love to work with you x


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