Our Approach to Brand Design: Why We Lead With Strategy First

In our experience, the most important thing that helps businesses achieve success through their branding is brand strategy.

It's often thought that if you have a logo, you have a brand. While a logo is the face of your brand, it is only one part of your brand, and a logo alone isn't enough to fully serve you or your business long-term.

Signs that you need to step into a holistic, strategic brand:

- You're not attracting enough of your ideal clients.
- You don't know how to visualise who you are and put it onto paper.
- Your logo isn't helping you step into your next level of growth.
- Your visuals feel mismatched and inconsistent, diluting your message.
- You're not sure how to speak about your brand, what to post on social media, or what kind of content to write.

If you relate to any of these scenarios, then it's time to reconsider your approach to your brand. So, what is the alternative? Read on in our Journal → https://bit.ly/3CMYzg2


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