Our Sound Arts course starts on the 14th of October and there are still a few places left!

The course will explore sound and music through engaging with Margate’s natural environment, architecture, and diverse communities. You will be exposed to a wide variety of practices relating to creating, perceiving, and critically considering sound, listening and music.

A unifying focus to this work will be the locale: Margate’s natural environment, architecture, and music/sound communities will form the basis for learning.

The course will consist of taught modules relating to areas focusing on: the materials of sound and music, sound communication and performance; sound, music, and space; and sound communities. Each of these areas of study will revolve around individual and collaborative project work, culminating in regular public outputs that might include radio broadcasts, performances, exhibitions, or workshops.

The course coordinators and tutors are research-active practitioners. The programme will be supported by a core team of regular tutors with visiting lecturers teaching specialised practical modules.

Although this course operates at postgraduate level, a degree is not required if you can demonstrate experience and practice in a relevant field. This academic and professional background does not need to be directly related to the field.

If you haven't heard about Sound Arts already, you can find information on our website: themargateschool.com/sound-arts


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