STAYFRESH X McDonald's 😍 Last month, I landed a collaboration with McDonald's UK to promote their new menu for my client.

At 24, it was an incredible experience. If you told 19-year-old me I'd be doing this, I would have laughed out loud!

Here's what helped me get here so far:

Persistence is key: Keep pushing forward in what you're doing. You never know what amazing opportunities await just around the corner.

Embrace discomfort: Step outside your comfort zone. This could mean messaging people in your field on LinkedIn, taking extra courses, or even starting a business. Don't be afraid!

Find a mentor: Having the right mentor can be invaluable. They can guide you, advocate for you, and offer invaluable insights. I'm incredibly grateful for the mentorship I've received over the past 4 years.

Looking to break into marketing, PR, or advertising?

If you're 16+ and interested in getting started in marketing, PR, or advertising, or even just need some general job search advice, feel free to send me a message or comment "advise" below!

Here's to chasing your goals!

#dreamjob #goalsachieved #marketing #inspo #mentorship #mcdonaldsuk #publicrelations#advertising


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