Tips to start my freelance writing career?


  • Hi Max, Freelancing is a tough career to break into, but it can be done! I'd recommend:

    1) Be patient. This doesn't happen overnight, and in fact the most successful freelancers took many years to get where they are today.
    2) Reach out for any and all opportunities you can find, but particularly in real life. This means online platforms and social media as well as conferences.
    3) Don't forget the power of word of mouth! I've received most of my freelance jobs through talking to people in my local coffee shop. Be friendly and personable, be willing to explain clearly and cheerfully, and above all don't sell yourself short. You're a professional; there's no need for modest self-effacement, especially not when you're starting out.
    4) While you're working on getting going, don't forget to be grinding away improving your skillset, taking courses, gaining certifications, joining organisations, and above all completing projects.
    5) Finally, once you do have a few projects under your belt, be sure to GET FEEDBACK from your clients (even part of a sentence works) so you can quote them on your profiles, and be sure to showcase your projects prominently as well. Be specific when describing how you were involved in them.

    Good luck and good freelancing.
  • Hi Max! Great you're looking to start a freelancing career! I myself am a freelance writer and have been for just over 1 year now. Heres a blog post I wrote about 9 tips of how to become a freelancer:
    My blog is for freelancing creatives and I offer a free customisable invoice template to my subscribers, that includes a clause of your rights as a freelancer. Feel free to sign up here:
    I do posts regularly to help freelancers and creatives on their career paths. I hope the tips help you!
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