Videographers ! How much would you charge to shoot a live event for 8hrs,edit and finalise the video (using 4 cameras, team of two people) ?
- Hi Tumi,You can approach this 2 ways!Charging a day rate or a project fee.If you go with the day rate approach, you’re looking at something along the below:- Shoot day Per Person: £550/£750 plus expenses (travel parking etc)- Edit days: £250/£400Going with the project fee approach is sort of similar to the day rate approach. Work out what you’ll charge for your shoot and editing days and add a little buffer on top.I personally try as much as possible to go with the project fee approach, it’s more profitable.Check out the below link to further your knowledge: luck and all the best,Drew
- @Simran Kaur haha! What is a lot to you?
- A LOT.
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