would love to hear critique on my showreel update: https://vimeo.com/960907889
will be grateful to hear your toughts and advices
- @ievgenii tsap You're very welcome. Good luck!
- @Simon Kotowicz Simon thank you so much for taking time and giving such an insightful review! Means a world to me!
- Hi there,On the whole the showreel looks great.However, there are some adjustments needed to the text you present along side.The first thing is, although you could physically jump on a plane and work anywhere, the tax and visa system will prevent that. Therefore you really should let people know where you based and where you are allowed to work. For instance, my company ignores applications from people outside the UK. I'd like to think that the money we spend on hiring talent goes towards helping fellow creatives in our country and that they'll spend the money here to keep our economy going. Plus I don't want to get involved with breaking laws on visas and filing foreign tax returns, etc. I'll just stick with someone local.I'd start the showreel by letting poeple know what you're looking to be hired for. I wasn't sure if it was editing or camera work or whatever.Although all of us can and will work across sectors and genres, the people that do the hiring aren't neccesarily comfortsble hiring, say, corporate communication talent for, say, broadcast work. Target a sector and tell them that's where you work.So on the whole, your video quality looks great and I would be comfortable hiring you, but its your targetting that needs some work. Look at basic marketing techniques, like starting with "Call Out Your Target Audience". I get it, you want to appeal to a wide spectrum to get you more work, but it won't come that way. Imagine you need plumber because you can smell gas - you're going to search for plumbers and only click on the ones that offer Gas Plumbing. You will litterally ignore people that offer plumbing, gas, electrics and decorating.Perhaps start each video with a targeted graphic, then show them exactly the same shots. Make your prospective clients feel comfortable that you can do that weirdly specific thing they're looking for.Keep up the good workAll the best,Simon. Yes My Lord Ltd.
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