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This is an online event
Join ISTD online on Wednesday 18 May, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Munich 1972 Olympic Games, iconic amongst designers for its extensive visual programme led by Otl Aicher.

The wide-ranging strategy, including its well known posters and pictograms, not only set a new standard of design for the Olympics, but also showed a new modern Germany, 27 years after the end of the second World War.

ISTD is pleased to host Mark Holt, author of Munich ’72. The Visual Output of Otl Aicher’s Dept XI, a detailed book about the wide extent of the visual guidelines, and Ian McLaren, who worked with Aicher as a senior member of the Munich Design Team, gaining a unique insight into the studio. They will be interviewed by ISTD Fellow Brenda Dermody.

Watch live at: https://www.istd.org.uk/live
  • typography
  • typedesign


Attendees — 1

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A talk with Mark Holt and Ian McLaren, hosted by the International Society of Typographic DesignersLondon, United Kingdom