 -  (UTC)
This is an online event
Explore how to connect at a deeper level with your emotions through the use of art materials. UAL students only.
At times on your course, you may feel a ‘disconnect’ both with yourself and with what you are being asked to produce creatively. Join our confidential, supportive online art therapy group over 2 sessions, where together we will explore how to reconnect at a deeper level with your emotions through the use of art materials. By encouraging emotional reconnection, this has the potential to change and inform your future creative practice. During each session, the creation of individual artwork will be encouraged to help express how you are feeling, with time given for group members to reflect together. However, there is no expectation to share your artwork if you prefer not to.
This brief therapeutic style group takes place over 2 sessions and is for students who are curious about the theme or art therapy in general. All UAL students welcome.
**Please sign up using your UAL email address only**
We cannot guarantee you a place if you do not use your UAL email address.

Friday 24 November and 1 December, 10am - 12pm
The link to join the session will be emailed to you on the day.

What to Expect
1. By signing up once you’re automatically signed up to both of the 2 online sessions. If you’re unable to attend, please cancel your place

2. All levels of artistic ability are welcome - your artwork will not be judged or evaluated during the session. We will instead invite you to use your artwork as a visual and tactile media as a means of self expression and communication.

3. As we’re working online, you’ll need to supply your own materials e.g. pen, pencil, chalk, paints, pastels, felt tips, paper, glue, leaves, twigs, string, digital media etc (anything you have!).

4. Our intention is to help you feel warmly welcomed and accepted as you are. Alongside this, it is natural that the ‘feel’ of each session may vary depending on what each participant brings. All feelings, positive or negative, are welcome.

5. Attendees are asked to arrive at the session start time and to stay for the session duration, where possible, as taking part in the whole 2 hour experience is an important aspect for both your own and the group's process. There will be a short break during the session.

6. Sessions are held on Microsoft Teams. Participants are strongly encouraged to turn on their web cameras during the session to enhance the feeling of togetherness. We understand however that wifi bandwidth issues may prevent some participants from turning on their cameras.

Facilitated by Louise Higgs and Lisa Gibson
HCPC* registered Art Psychotherapists
*Health and Care Professions Council
Members of the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT)


Attendees — 5

 -  (UTC)
Art Therapy: Creatively exploring emotionsLondon, United Kingdom