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This is an online event

Organised by BIMA

Join us for a practical, forward thinking & interactive roundtable with BIMA's HR Peer Network.

About this event
Online Only Event.This is a BIMA member-only session. For more information on becoming a BIMA Member visit the BIMA Site or email web@bima.co.uk
This month Dee Walsh from DEWA Consulting will be running an open session about your current HR Pain Points. Are there consistent team issues you are struggling with, is there anything seasonal or a new challenge you would like to talk through?
Dee Walsh has many years of HR experience and is also a Wellbeing Coach so is extremely experienced to guide this discussion and offer a place to be heard, chat freely and facilitate peer to peer conversation.
This is a great opportunity to learn from each other and offer insight into solutions and the workplace community you and your team are implementing to overcome challenges within your organisation. 
We hope you can make it!
Limited to 16 attendees to allow for discussion.Chatham House Rules apply and places are strictly limited to one per organisation.
Your data is important to us and we’re committed to protecting it. We have updated our policy to make it easy for you to understand your choices and the control you have over your data. Please review here.


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BIMA HR Peer Network Roundtable - Current HR Pain PointsLondon, United Kingdom