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96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB - 96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB, UK

Organised by The British Library

Having a great idea for a new business is never enough to deliver success

About this event
There are a host of vultures out there that will shred you to pieces unless you know the rules of the game!
For most entrepreneurs knowledge of numbers and finance is a bit of a mystery.
This workshop explains what you need to think about before you start or soon after you have started. Understanding the costs of running a business, how to get the pricing (and profitability) right. What are financial forecast? Why this is different from cash flow forecasts and what has this got do with business plans? What do you need to keep an eye on as you start trading?
We will also look at different forms of startup finance and what do the vultures want in return?
Key Learning Points:
  • Overcoming the fears of finance
  • Understanding the numbers for getting started
  • Setting realistic and achievable financial targets
  • Having a financial roadmap to measure progress and take corrective action
  • Improving knowledge of different forms of startup finance
Uday Thakkar - Managing Director Red Ochre
A serial entrepreneur with a finance background, a leading mentor and facilitator, Uday leads an award winning enterprise support consultancy.
The Business & IP Centre are hosting this event in collaboration with the annual Business Finance Week, a campaign run by the British Business Bank. There will be a range of nationwide and regional events offered throughout the campaign, including in-person sessions and webinars, to help smaller businesses find out more about the various finance options available to them to support their individual needs. Learn more at british-business-bank.co.uk/bfw.
Views expressed by event participants do not necessarily reflect our own views or those of the British Business Bank. Always seek professional advice tailored to your individual circumstances.


Attendees — 6

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Conquering the numbers: Boosting your business startup success96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB, UK