 -  (GMT)
2 Arundel Street, London WC2R 3DA - 2 Arundel St, Temple, London WC2R 3DA, UK
Design Otherwise: Transforming Design Education in the Arab Region Book Launch
Join us on 28 January at Reference Point for the launch of Design Otherwise: Transforming Design Education in the Arab Region.Author Danah Abdulla will be in conversation with researcher, educator, and artist Lina El-Hakim to discuss the purpose and relevance of design education, how regional identities and class divisions shape the development of design cultures, different perceptions of design and its value, and new possibilities for forms of practice. The event will be followed by drinks, nibbles, and dancing featuring music by DJ Jana Saleh.
Doors and drinks: 7pm | Talk: 8pm | Nibbles and Dancing: 9-11pm
About the book:
How can we study and teach design in a way that is critical, socially engaged and relevant to place? In Design Otherwise: Transforming Design Education in the Arab Region, Danah Abdulla challenges us to imagine a design education and culture that moves beyond blindly borrowing Eurocentric models and frameworks. Drawing on learnings from work with design students, educators and designers in the Arab region, with a particular focus on Jordan and featuring examples from Lebanon, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, Abdulla creates a dialogue with those who have most at stake in education to imagine how we can develop a collaborative, contextually based and socially relevant design education.
Copies of the book will be available for purchase, or you can pre-order a copy here.


Attendees — 6

 -  (GMT)
Design Otherwise | Book Launch2 Arundel St, Temple, London WC2R 3DA, UK