 -  (BST)
London UK - Southbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, South Bank, London SE1 8XX, UK

Organised by Southbank Centre

Look up to see three striking climate-themed works by artist and banner-maker Ed Hall adorning our buildings.

Ed Hall is an artist and banner-maker who has created banners for campaigns, artists and trade unions since 1984.
Hazelnuts do not grow on a dead planet is a reference to Julian of Norwich, a 14th-century mystic and believed to be author of the earliest surviving work in English to be written by a woman.
Despite writing within a religious framework, she believed that all things were created as equal partners on a beautiful Earth, and wanted humanity to take care of creation.
The banner Will climate change be our Waterloo, references the Southbank Centre’s location close to Waterloo Station and Waterloo Bridge.
The artist says, ‘Kind hearts see Napoleon seeking to recreate the world on the principles of the French Revolution. In 1815 he failed, and the “old order” went on to create what we have now.’
On the third banner, We have no other home, Hall says, ‘Man-made climate change is top of any political agenda. It is interesting for me that Britain was the first country to industrialise and began the process of pumping carbon into the atmosphere, creating the greenhouse effect.
‘Serious minds work to halt this process and ensure that humans help our small and vulnerable planet rather than exploit it for the short-term.’


 -  (BST)
Ed Hall: Hazelnuts do not grow on a dead planetSouthbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, South Bank, London SE1 8XX, UK