Embracing Ambition
Paid event
 -  (BST)
13 Soames Walk, London SE10 0AX, UK

Organised by Just Jaz

You work so hard, you get up and keep going, and there's always something that needs to be done yesterday. It's time to put it down for a moment, drop your shoulders, be surrounded by others who get it, and work with 3 coaches ready and waiting to challenge your thinking, support your dreams, and help you learn more about the "you" that sits here today.

Embracing ambition is about taking a fresh perspective on your goals and approach to them. What does your Ambition look and feel like in 2023 and how can you be supported. Let's give you the Career MOT you deserve.

This is for you if:

  • You need some fuel to keep going
  • Your out of work and exhausted; needing a reminder of who you are and all you're capable of
  • Mid-career pivot just not sure what and how
  • Rrecovering from burnout and trying to gently tap into all the things that bring you joy
  • Want to be surrounded by others who get-it, who have dreams and desires and aren't ashamed

You'll walk away with:

  • A big reminder of who you are and what you're capable of
  • Clarity on your next step; what it is and why it's perfect for you
  • A refreshed perspective on your dreams and desires even if you have felt disconnected
  • Brand new connections with fellow ambitious people on their career journey

Come on in; we'll put the kettle on...

  • Community. This will be a safe space to share what you feel comfortable sharing. We'll start the day getting to know each other; our fears, favourite colour and everything in between.
  • Connection. This is a time to connect to yourself, your dreams and your desires in multiple ways. It's also a time to be nourished and supported by others who get it.
  • Impact beyond the day. Once the happy hormones fade and you're on the journey independently, you'll have everything you need to take action on what you've learned about yourself.
  • Coaching. Certified life coaching towards your career goal in a group environment; with combined expertise in positive psychology, somatics, reiki, embodiment and mindset, we'll support you to figure out the "un-figureoutable" about you.
  • entrepreneur
  • goals
  • moneymindset
  • personaldevelopment
  • career



 -  (BST)
Embracing Ambition13 Soames Walk, London SE10 0AX, UK