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Organised by The Guardian

Our panel of Guardian journalists and experts discuss the desperate state of the UK economy in this livestreamed event.

New inflation figures show the annual UK rate remains at 8.7%, bringing no relief to struggling households. Mortgage costs could reach the highest levels since the 2008 financial crisis and although food inflation has dropped, Britain’s dependence on imports from the rest of Europe means that forthcoming post-Brexit border controls could reverse that trend. The data comes as the government is under growing pressure to intervene to help millions of households ahead of the next election.
There is a widespread belief that raising interest rates may be the answer to taming inflation, but as the Bank of England has raised UK interest rates to a 15-year high of 5%, what are the consequences for those facing financial insecurity? In this live and interactive discussion, Heather Stewart, the Guardian’s special correspondent, will be joined by Larry Elliott, the Guardian's economic editor, and Ann Pettifor, director of Prime: Policy Research in Macroeconomics, to examine whether this strategy will be able to save borrowers and the nation from a potential recession.
With further speakers to be announced.
This event will be hosted on a third-party live streaming platform Zoom, please refer to their privacy policy and terms and conditions before purchasing a ticket to the event. After registering, please refer to your confirmation email for access to the event.
Closed captions will be available for this event.
8pm BST | 9pm CEST | 12pm PDT | 3pm EDT
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If you are unable to join at the time of streaming, this event will be available to watch on demand in the days following. A link to the recording will be sent to all ticket holders.


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Guardian Newsroom: Can the UK avoid a recession?London, United Kingdom