Paid event
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This is an online event

Organised by Escape the City

You've always followed the rules.

You got good grades. You listened to advice from parents and teachers. You landed a great job out of university - a job that you thought you wanted and you started your career on solid footing.

You're doing great work. You're paid well. You've tasted success.

But something doesn't feel right.

The problem is there's little meaning and purpose in your day-to-day job. You have this nagging feeling that there's much more potential untapped inside you.

You want to take smart steps toward a career that feels more satisfying. You want to find more purpose and meaning in your work. Ultimately, you want to do work that matters to you, and to the world.

The truth is, you’re part of a growing group of high achievers who are disillusioned with their job and yearn for something greater.

You know you want to do something different...

...but you're not sure what that something is.

Maybe it's a different company. Maybe it's a new career. Maybe you want to go on a big adventure or start your business. But you're not sure where to start. You’re not sure where to turn and you don’t know what your options are. And... there's another problem.

Leaving a safe job is scary.

Every time you think about making a big change in your work, career & life, the little voices in your head chime in:

You're too young (or too old.)
You don't have the time (or the money, or the knowledge, or the skills).
What if you fail?
What if it all ends up being a massive mistake?
You're ready to give up on your search to do work you love before you even get started.
You're not alone.

We have spent the past fourteen years gathering knowledge from over 760,000 unfulfilled professionals on why current career change methods aren’t working. We’ve discovered that the biggest problems come when people expect a magic-bullet solution or when they expect a career coach to give them an answer to a problem that they can’t even really define.

We apply tried & tested lessons from only the best career coaches, career change psychologists, and successful career changers to save you from wasting time and money on those who don't deliver the most effective & practical advice.

We teach the same practical frameworks and methods used by hundreds of Escape the City members to escape unfulfilling jobs and do work they love.

Here's what you can expect:

This workshop will help you understand how to take control of your career and steer it in directions that will bring you more autonomy, meaning, and purpose. It’s about personal fulfilment, it’s about making active choices for yourself, and it’s about owning your definition of success.

How does it work online?

The workshop takes place online. You can join us via a computer, tablet or mobile device. Once you've reserved your place, we'll send you full details of how to take part.

What does the workshop consist of?

We will provide you with tools, ideas and case studies to help you overcome your fears and start moving forwards with purpose.

The workshop covers the following:

What isn't working for me in my career?
What type of life do I want to lead?
How do I work out what I really want to do?
What is holding me back?
How do I overcome my fears?
How do I come up with a plan that excites me?
What are my more entrepreneurial options?
What strategies will help me to build my dream job?
How do I create opportunities on my own terms?
You will leave this workshop inspired to make change happen, with the beginnings of a plan, a commitment to action and a long list of new ideas.

Who is Escape The City?
We’re on a mission to help one million people to do work that matters to them and the world. Not just to find more fulfilling work but create it too. Online and offline we’ve seen first hand the incredible power in connecting likeminded, motivated, passionate people.

Whether it’s a small step or a brave leap, we’ve learned that amazing outcomes and inspiring change is best achieved together.

We want to wake people up to what work can really look like. To careers built on freedom, passion, autonomy, fulfilment, and purpose. To more connected and more meaningful lives. To 21st Century Careers, built on their terms, not someone else’s.

We’re doing it because we believe a million more people doing work that matters to them will change the world.


Attendees — 5

 -  (UTC)
How to shift your mindset and take control of your careerLondon, United Kingdom