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London UK - 60 London Wall, London EC2M 5TQ, UK

Organised by APSCo

Registration and refreshments 3:00-3:30pm
Networking drinks from 5pm 
Welcome & introduction
Jennifer Abdelaty, HR Manager, Evolution Recruitment Solutions Ltd
APSCo update
Teri Etherington, Head of Talent Development, APSCo
The impact of AI for the HR and TD community
David Regan, Director, Labour & Employment Department, Squire Patton Boggs
David will open this event with a look at some of the current challenges facing HR and TD professionals within a recruitment business and focus on:
  • Can AI discriminate?  Conscious/ Unconscious bias in AI modelling
  • The human in the machine – GDPR concerns with the use of AI by HR
  • Potential effects of the upcoming EU AI Act and how these will impact HR
He will focus on several internal use cases and touch on data privacy challenges in the current marketplace.
Panel discussion and Q&A
Jennifer Abdelaty, HR Manager, Evolution Recruitment Solutions Ltd (Chair)
Anne-Marie Butts, Chief People Officer, LHi Group
David Regan, Director, Labour & Employment Department, Squire Patton Boggs
Jennifer will lead an interactive discussion-based session answering your questions and expanding on the themes explored in David’s session– come armed with questions and an open mind to working with technology differently and safely. 
Closing remarks and feedback
Jennifer Abdelaty, HR Manager, Evolution Recruitment Solutions Ltd


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HR & TD Forum: The impact of AI for the HR and TD community60 London Wall, London EC2M 5TQ, UK