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This is an online event
Exploring new directions in book and magazine publishing.

Open to all interested academics and students.

A year on from the successful symposium in 2022 we return to explore further Innovations in Publishing. As last year, this symposium will present a variety of recent research exploring new approaches to publishing and aspects of innovation management. Topics include algorithms and new printing paradigms, digital ecosystems such as e-lending and Amazon, audio books, and open access publishing in the humanities.
We are also once again providing the opportunity for short talks from PhD students researching innovation in publishing.
The event will be introduced and chaired by Dr. Frania Hall, London College of Communication (UAL).

  • Anna Klamet, University of the Arts London, London College of Communication, UK
  • Maciej Liguzinski, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
  • Oswin Tickler, University of the Arts London, London College of Communication, UK
  • Sara Tanderup Linkis, Lund University, Sweden
  • Anna Muenchrath, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
  • Samantha Miller, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Booking is essential and details/links will be sent nearer the time.


Attendees — 9

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Innovations in PublishingLondon, United Kingdom
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