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Organised by Enterprise Nation

Join this webinar to discover how to leverage Christmas gift guide PR to increase your sales.

About this event
With many e-commerce businesses generating a majority of their profits in the final quarter of the year, planning ahead is crucial. By adding Christmas PR to your Q4 sales strategy, you can maximise marketing efforts and boost revenue.
Gift guide coverage is a powerful way to increase product awareness during this busy retail season. But it's more than just visibility, it's a trust signal that influences buying decisions. From July to December, the press is on the lookout for products to feature in their gift guides, offering extensive product placement opportunities and broader reach to potential customers
In this Lunch and Learn, Rosie Davies-Smith will show you how to leverage Christmas gift guide PR to its fullest potential.
After running her agency for over a decade, Rosie founded PR Dispatch, a platform which powers in-house teams to become PR experts. Since then, thousands of brands have been given the training, expertise and contacts needed to take control of their PR in-house and secure their own coverage at just 3% of the cost of a PR agency.
Key takeaways from this session:
  • Discover how your competitors are harnessing Christmas PR for growth and the secret behind their Christmas press success
  • Find out actionable steps to maximise Christmas features
  • Learn how to use gift guide coverage to reach more customers and drive Christmas sales
If you have any questions you'd like Rosie to answer during the webinar, please send them to events@enterprisenation.com.
How to join the online webinar
When you register for the webinar, you'll receive an automatic email, including the Zoom link to access the event. The event will begin at the time and date stated in the registration information. If you don't receive the link within two hours of signing up via Eventbrite, please let us know by emailing events@enterprisenation.com. (Note: It may be in your junk folder.)
About Enterprise Nation
Enterprise Nation is the UK's most active small business network, helping thousands of people turn their good idea into a great business. Join today to get everything you need to start and grow your small business, in one place.


Attendees — 2

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Lunch and Learn: Maximise Q4 sales with Christmas gift guide pressLondon, United Kingdom