Paid event
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195 Piccadilly, St. James's, London W1J 9EU - 195 Piccadilly, St. James's, London W1J 9LN, UK

Organised by BAFTA

Hear from a panel of speakers from across the games industry ecosystem examine the issue of social mobility in games. Followed by networking.

Travel bursaries for BAFTA Connect members are available. Please contact events@bafta.org for more information.
According to the most recent UK Games Industry Census, only 13% of UK games staff come from low-income backgrounds, compared to 30% of the wider UK population. Data also suggests that social background is not only an issue with entering the industry but is a factor in career advancement too.

In this masterclass, our panel of speakers from across the games industry ecosystem will examine the issue of social mobility in games. You will hear the experiences of navigating the industry as a person from a low-income background, as well as learn insights on the issue from a broader pipeline perspective. Audiences will discover both the barriers, and possible solutions, to levelling the playing field for all.


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Masterclass: Social Mobility and Games195 Piccadilly, St. James's, London W1J 9LN, UK