Organised by the Design Museum
How do fashion industry professionals learn and share knowledge? Join us to discuss fashion education syllabuses and systems interrogating the narratives and politics of contemporary academia and speculating on the future of fashion scholarship.
What to expect
Since the founding of the British Fashion Council’s NEWGEN Programme in 1993, successive generations of creative minds have exploded onto the fashion scene, establishing new brands, challenging existing systems and introducing innovative approaches that have influenced fashion globally. The majority of these groundbreaking designers have emerged from the most prestigious London fashion schools, which raises important questions around formal education and the future of fashion pedagogies.
During this conversation panel, education professionals will engage in conversation with NEWGEN designers to discuss the challenges and opportunities for formal fashion education and the scope of learning possibilities that aspiring fashion designers might seek out.
REBEL: 30 Years of British Fashion sponsored by Alexander McQueen is an exhibition in partnership with the British Fashion Council celebrating the 30th anniversary of BFC's NEWGEN programme.