Paid event
 -  (GMT)
20 Farringdon Rd, Farringdon, London EC1M 3HE, UK

Organised by PechaKucha London

PechaKucha London Volume 23 - Giving

We all know that life is better and happier when we give rather than we receive (studies agree with this old adage!) How do you give? Do you give your time to an organisation you care about? Do you lend an ear to a friend that is down? Or are you the person that loves picking out the perfect gift for a loved one?
Join PechaKucha London 28 November 2019 at HubHub Coworking Space in the City as we get into the festive spirit (and maybe some mince pies…) and listen as eight fantastic speakers explore what giving means to them.

Our friends at AB InBev have once again generously donated some beers, ciders and non-alocholic beer for the cherished ‘Beer Break’. So come on down to celebrate the spirit of the season, meet some fantastic new people, hear some great talks and have a drink.

Stay tuned for more information on speakers

What is PechaKucha? In short, it really is about getting creative people together over a drink (or more!) for a fun and casual gathering to share ideas, stories, thoughts, holiday snaps, anything really all in the PechaKucha 20x20 format.

Sound like a million other speaking events you have been to? Well, what makes a PechaKucha Night different is the simple quick-fire presentation style we use - each presenter gets 20 slides that are 20 seconds each; meaning it is both easy to produce for the presenter, easy to digest for the audience and most importantly it saves everyone from boredom and no one’s PechaKucha talk can drag on for too long!

Where: HubHub, 20 Farringdon Road, EC4A 4EN

When: 28 November 2019 - 18:00 - 21:00

PechaKucha London is a volunteer run, non-profit organisation. Proceeds go towards event costs and all remaining income generated is donated to the PechaKucha Global fund - helping events like this run around the world.

PechaKucha London is volunteer run by Brogan McPherson with generous support from friends and sponsors.
  • giving
  • speaking
  • london


 -  (GMT)
PechaKucha Volume 2320 Farringdon Rd, Farringdon, London EC1M 3HE, UK