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Zoom - London, United Kingdom

Organised by Spektrix

With the vaccine roll-out progressing and summer in full bloom, we are looking forward to full scale in-person performances resuming the 2021-22 season. As that time quickly approaches, what can your marketing team do now to prepare for a successful next season - one lit with the excitement of reopening, but tempered by the lingering effects of the pandemic?

In this webinar, JCA Arts Marketing Director Jamie Alexander and Consulting Analyst Jennifer Sowinski offer tips to help you re-engage in-person audiences and recover revenue in the season ahead. You’ll leave the webinar with a checklist of effective and efficient marketing strategies for a successful reopening, based on findings from recent research and associated action items on topics including:

• Segmentation and messaging strategies
• Pricing strategies for in-person and digital performances
• KPIs for in-person ticket sales

JCA Arts Marketing are a non-profit consulting firm based in the US. To learn more visit https://jcainc.com/arts-marketing/


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Preparing for Next Season – Re-Engage Audiences & Recover Revenue with JCA Arts MarketingLondon, United Kingdom